Waterfront living, Zollhafen Mainz

Waterfront living, Zollhafen Mainz


Kaufmannshof and Flößerhof, exclusive residential complexes framed by canals in the harbor district have been completed, further information on the project can be found under the following link: Zollhafen Mainz


Rainwater infiltration in detail:

Rainwater infiltration in detail:


Drainage concept for the Kranzberg multi-generation house

A rainwater infiltration concept was developed for the Kranzberg multi-generation house with high groundwater levels in the form of simple systems and typical local design language, …


New public green space in re-activated urban zones

Lecture - 05/09/2024


Completion of Freising Cathedral Square including fountain

Completion of Freising Cathedral Square including fountain


Since 2022, Latz + Partner has been planning and realizing open spaces on the Freising Cathedral Hill. The first construction phase with the Cathedral Square and Cathedral Courtyard has been completed. It is …


Duisburg Nord Landscape Park

Lecture - 01/24/2024


Public green spaces in reactivated architectures

Lecture - 01/10/2024


architectural tuesday, TH Köln

Lecture - 01/09/2024


Alles Gute für 2024 ∙ Meilleurs voeux pour 2024 ∙ Best wishes for 2024

Alles Gute für 2024 ∙ Meilleurs voeux pour 2024 ∙ Best wishes for 2024


Unser Büro bleibt in der Zeit vom 22.12.2023 bis 07.01.2024 geschlossen.
Our office will be closed from 22.12.2023 until 07.01.2024.
Notre agence sera fermée du 22.12.2023 au 07.01.2024.


Construction of the Pomppark Zuid green link to start in 2024

Construction of the Pomppark Zuid green link to start in 2024


The Antwerp College has approved the design for Pomppark Zuid, to be built on the site of the former Brialmont ramparts.

The central point of the new Pomppark will be the existing pumping …


Baupreis Allgäu 2023

Baupreis Allgäu 2023


Award for the Karoline-Goldhofer-Kindertageseinrichtung in Memmingen

The Baupreis Allgäu is awarded to projects in which architects take on social responsibility in cooperation with the building owners. This responsibility also includes the sustainable design …

