RUST RED - The Landscape Park Duisburg Nord

RUST RED - The Landscape Park Duisburg Nord

June 18, 2017

It’s been nearly 25 years since Peter Latz and his team began to work on the landscape park Duisburg Nord. In 1994 first parts of the park were inaugurated. But it is only now that the structures we had planned that time have developed their full spatial effect; what gives a good occasion for Peter Latz to have an intent look at his “masterpiece”.

This volume provides insights into twelve years of planning and realisation through photographs, sketches, plans and explanations, and reveals to the reader the fascinating world that follows the industry. With this book, Peter Latz presents an in-depth account of his knowledge and experience regarding this unique project. Impressive pictures taken by Michael Latz reflect his philosophy and the park’s look and feel following the seasons. Texts by renowned collaborators complement the narrative with various perspectives.

Book launches on 22 October at the TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, on 09th November in Munich and on 18th November 2016 in Duisburg.

>>German edition ROSTROT, Hirmer Verlag
>>English edition RUST RED, Hirmer Verlag

>>Bernd Steinle: Guardian zählt Duisburg-Nord zu besten Stadtparks, F.A.Z. Stil, 18. June 2017 und F.A.Z Magazin, Mai 2017, Ausgabe 49, Seite 26
>>Gottfried Knapp: Im Gasometer tummeln sich Taucher, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 22. March 2017
>>Peter Zöch: Book re­lease: Rust Red by Pe­ter Latz, TOPOS, 22. November 2016
>>Gesa Loschwitz: Das Prinzip Rostrot, german-architects, 16. November 2016
