European Quarter on the Plateau de Kirchberg, Luxembourg, LU

European Quarter on the Plateau de Kirchberg, Luxembourg, LU

Ecological water management on the Kirchberg Plateau: Dune- and Water Park in the Klosegroendchen

Rainwater doesn’t disappear any more in subterranean channels as in the past, it has become a visible and elemental part of parks and recreation areas, and makes the development of exceptional biotopes possible.

Surplus masses of road construction works, mainly sand and rocks now run down the valley as dune-like sculptures of earth and enclose the park along the motorway. Between the dunes, narrow footpaths connect the urban boulevard with the spiral-shaped ponds down in the valley, that are part of the rainwater retention system on the Kirchberg.Trough-shaped meadows fill with stormwater temporarily, and let it off in a slow and controlled way. On its long way the water looses its force while running in channels of rugged stone, dust and mud settling down in quiet pons. In the end the surplus water, now clean again, is led down into the river. Artistic interventions from Bertrand Ney enrich the park. For a new town quarter being built nearby, including a planned hospital, this park is valuable recreation area in the immediate vicinity.

Design and realization: 1994 – 1996
Client: Fonds d’Urbanisation et d’Aménagement de Plateau de Kirchberg, Ministère des Travaux Publics
Area: 30 hectares
