"Centrumplein": the new city centre in Emmen, province of Drenthe

"Centrumplein": the new city centre in Emmen, province of Drenthe

April 8, 2013

Winner of the two-stage selection procedure with a vision for square, park and landscape at the interface of town and countryside.

Centrumplein is currently dominated by a through-route and a large car park that is surrounded by a shopping centre and the town hall to the east while the historic city lies behind it. A theatre and zoo are planned for the western side. Once the proposed tunnel and underground car park are in place this part of the city can be redeveloped to meet the aspirations of different user groups.

Warm timber and glistening pools of water link the ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ landscape areas, trade and administration, culture and recreation. A stone-paved area is interspersed with vegetation and like a carpet it frames and connects the heterogeneous development and the landscape islands creating a completely new urban open space.
